Company de-registration is a strategy to apply when a company has ceased its operation, requires corporate account closure, no court proceedings, no assets and liabilities, no outstanding penalties and none of its officers are facing any court summons.
To de-register and liquidate a company is not a simple task as it requires you to complete and submit a set of documentation and to appoint a UAE registered liquidator.
SPMC-Dubai provides de-registration and liquidation services for all types of entities – limited liability companies, free zone companies and offshore companies across UAE.
Steps & procedures for de-registering a Limited Liability Company in UAE.
First: Notice of Company’s Dissolution & Appointment of a Liquidator:
- Submission of Registration & Licensing Application Form
- Duplicate of official document showing dissolution of the company, appointment of a legal liquidator and mentioning his name and determining the method of liquidation. This may either be by a resolution of the company’s partners or general assembly duly notarized, or by court order.
- Certified copy of the signature of company’s director(s), and the company’s legal liquidator, as the case may be, authenticated by the Notary Public.
- Original Certificate of Registration in the Commercial Register + the original trade license.
- Copy of the license of the liquidator + Certificate of condition auditor + Letter from the liquidator approving the liquidation of the company.
Second: Cancellation of license(s) & cancellation from the Commercial Registration:
- Certificates issued in the other Emirates indicating cancellation of license(s) (if any).
- Original copy of the final account of liquidation approved by the partners or general assembly and stamped by the legal liquidator.
- No-objection letter concerning cancellation issued by the Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs.
- Visa Cancellation of the partner(s) in case they are sponsored by their license.
- Copy of the notice of the company’s dissolution & appointment of a liquidator to be published in the official newspapers.
- Letter from the partner for the agreement of the liquidation of the company.
- Ministry of Economy resolution (concerning private shareholding).
- UAE Securities and Commodities Authority resolution (concerning public shareholding).